SKS's Thursday night: “Who wants to be the biggest Intellectual”
Occam’s Razor:
“One should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything” - William of Occam.
Ashish writes;
My memory is failing me …. But this is how the story goes. In one of the SKS’s Thursday night (“who wants to be the biggest intellectual” theme nights !!) discussion, somebody stated the principle of Occam’s razor to me for the first time. And then we were let loose to prove the existence of something which might never be proved, to find the utility, and bias of this principle.
I’ll try to recall a brief introduction and then leave the stage for your subjective analysis (and your imagination for how to use it solve current objective).
Occam’s Razor is not a law, but a principle that makes sure what you are theorising on is accurately defined. At times one invokes it involuntarily while theorising. Occam’s razor comes without a proof and it is said that Occam’s razor will prove itself when the whole universe, with all its dimensions and times, is accurately determined. It is really absurd and its absurdity gets clearer when you invoke it. In another version (thanks to SKS), which I think I’ll be using in the present debate, the principle states:
“To explain a scientific theory, one must tend to minimise the number of parameters used to determine it”
To give a few example, to define absolute zero (-273 ◦C), the temperature at which no gas can exist, we use just the pressure (1 atmosphere) as a supporting parameter apart from the given temperature, what could be done is to also take into account the vessel the gases be in, sea level, time (as a dimension), effects of gravity, interactions of electrons to the nucleus, proximity of vessel to sun …and infinite amount of other bullshit. Similarly, we don’t find Newton’s laws holding there ground, we just add the point of reference (or reference frame) as one more parameter and never go into the quantum or relativity theory, the wind effects, temperature and pressure (both effecting volume and hence friction), uncertainty principle to define them. One can import the definitions of “science” and “human truth” from the Tagore-Einstein discussions support the given argument.
According to SKS himself, in response to the why? argument, to discover all points of a system, if we can define the origin first and then a few points to define its boundary we can determine the whole system around it (Infact, exactly like the way calculus functions). Invoking Occam’s razor is just the start of the process. Hence to determine the absolute truth, we invoke Occam’s razor first, define space time and other aspects of coordinate system first and then try to determine reality by exploring the human truths.
p s : For the uninitiated, SKS is Shiva Kumar Srinivasan, presently a professor in IIM- A, also taught in IIT Delhi (the above discussion is from one of his class in IIT Delhi). Ashish was his student, I also attended some of his classes and GD sessions.
Well Ashish, what i get from the entire theory is a simpla fact which is to KISS, "Keep Is Short and Simple"
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction. ~E.F. Schumacker
i.e. To make it simpler and as Vinci said, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"
As much as you want to KISS, Mudit, I think there is more to Occam's Razor than just a "a donf" philosophy. Interesting question is, is “it” a law governing the real-world ???....for the theory goes that you can define the pseudo-world only when you can determine what is real....think about it !!
It might seem crazy to connect Occam's razor to Tagore-Einstein conversation, but people, these are just the insights/tools, and the rest is all but your imagination.
We should not defeat the purpose of Blogging by leaving people to fear, close scrutiny... for jackasses we all are, and blogging is not judging people but asking questions and finding answers...unabated freedom of expression..
Need to hear more from more people….
The "Occam's Razor" is so called because, it says, strike a razor through any theorisation, split it in two parts and keep the simple one !!
Issac Newton was also very touched by the principle (as apparant). He says (and clearly not many of us agree with him always):
"We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances"
Q: why blog ?
A: blog cause you can.
q: occamm ?
A: natural. which side does a ball roll ? down the hill?
A: equilibrium is that which has no "net" force on it.
A: but stable is that which has enough forces to push and pull it back.
A: all systems move towards higher entropy.
and really, there is no absolute. so occams is a nice one. and i _wilol_ get back to you after i can let it rake around for a while.. miss sks nights, dont you ??
That was pretty sound and easily comprehensible explanation to the occlum's, no trust me it was ! :-)
hope to keep hearing from you axay...
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