Wednesday, December 22, 2004

"The worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is having someone worth waiting for"

Thanks Itty, for this quote, (read comments on the last post)

"The worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is having someone worth waiting for". -- Jessica Brumley

Well I dont know of your wait for "someone" but for this "something" (blog) is over :-)

Today after a long break from work, friends and of course blog, I am back in-sync with me, or lets say, pseudo me (trust me it haunts me now).

The quotation in a interesting combination of words; it presumes waiting to be the worst part in someone's life, but aint it always for something worth it (may be later you realize that wait is not useful) she (the author) then goes on to suggest a thought which is clearly indicative of his assumption and doing that with a superficial sense of emotions, after all its about growing-up, at some point in life you may believe in the idea (which you definately would, cause you waiting shows that you do) and later you might think it was all a waste.

Another perception to it might be "relative perception" someone might be able to percieve that wait as worth-it someone else might have a completely different opinion.

I might be very critical of the idea, but isnt it inherently flawed. Comments awaited...

Today's Musing:

Pseudo me!!. I initially thought what we are or want to be is pseudo, but aint this pseudo being very much us. It is what we aspire for, it is how we see us in our dreams, it is how we want people to percieve us as?? Whatever it is, it still belongs to me. It leads me to belive pseudo me and myself being part of one entity and hence inseperable.

Comments awaited...


At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

luk whos back...cheers :))))
post oftener yar...its been a long long long brk :(


At 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry buds
whatevr u commentd on the quot is all crappy
makes no sens to me

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Mudit said...

I believe it was Akshay (why dont you use your name), well dude thx for dropping by.

Dear this blog was never mine, never reflected my beliefs... just my musings.

Yeah on second thoughts it all might just be crappy, but you cant say that unless you prove otherwise.

At least share your views,

Hope to hear from you again.... this time some insights and not just a judgement, your highness... :-)


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