Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The glass is half empty or half full: A perspective

I do not remember how many times I have heard the phrase – The glass is half empty or half full.

The generally acceptable position is that it is half full. If you say ‘it is half full’ then it will be taken for granted that you have a positive attitude (generally speaking). You look at things in a different way which is the way it should be, the way probably some of us would like the rest of us to think. What do I call such people? Idealists.

Most people who say that it is half full don’t believe what they say, because to believe what you said, you have to know what you said. They say so because they were taught all through the life that this is what the answer ought to be whenever the question is put up. It could be peer pressure. Like the third monkey in that sms joke who jumped down from the tree because of peer pressure. They are weak and submissive people.

Another way of saying that the glass is half empty could be “the glass is ONLY half full”. It is different from the sentence “the glass is half full”. The word “ONLY” makes a stronger statement and changes the meaning altogether. It also reflects a state of mind, an outlook towards most issues and also life in general.There will always be only a few people who I believe would say that the glass is half empty. I said “few people”.


"Ambitious people are always impatient”: It is these people who will see the glass as half empty. These people expect more. These people want more in life. They believe what is there is there for all to see.

What interests, motivates and drives them is the lack of what should be there but isn’t. They know how to get what they want. They are the dreamers, they are the doers. They build the world. In every way and every inch of it.

Read on "the Time Travellor"


At 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reminds me of a similar discussion elsewhere...

Tilted forum projectMudit, please give the URL for "the Time Travellor"...


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